Robot Kits & Chassis
4DOF Acrylic Toys Robot Mechanical Arm Claw Kit for Arduino DIY Robot
This Keyestudio 4DOF robotic arm kit offers an ideal educational experience to stim..
Price 50.00€
Bionic Robot Dog with Raspberry Pi and SD Card
PIPPY is an open source bionic robot with the appearance of a dog controlled via Raspber..
Cod: 2850-PIPPY5-in-1 Mechanical coding Robot
A series of Robot Kits for the future engineer. Build this kit and find out how muc..
Cod: 8220-KSR19
Price 31.00€
Pick & Place for Robotic Arm "ROBOARM"
Consisting of a small vacuum pump, a solenoid valve, a microswitch, cables, pipes a..
Cod: 7100-PEPARM
Price 33.00€
4 DOF Plexiglass Robotic Arm
Kit containing everything you need to make a plexiglas robot arm with 4 degrees of ..
Cod: 7100-ROBOARM
Price 69.00€
Plexiglass rotating base
Plexiglass rotating base made with LASER cut. It consists of two plexiglass plates ..
Price 17.00€
EasyRobot - shield robot for Arduino-Fishino
EasyRobot is a shield for Arduino-Fishino that allows to make a robot on wheels. Th..
Price 60.66€
Set: 2 wheels with motor + encoder and brackets
Indicated to achieve a balancing robot, t..
Price 56.56€