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  • Peak - Advanced Semiconductor Analyzer
Peak Atlas DCA Pro is the improved version of DCA55. It has a larger library of component identification, graphic LCD display, USB communication and PC software. These features make it an intelligent analyzer of semiconductors such as transistors, JFETs, voltage regulators, diodes, LEDs, Triac and many others. It is able to automatically identify the type of component and the pinout, displaying a lot of data about the component and performing a detailed analysis with the PC software (included). The firmware can be updated online, it has sensors with gold plated contacts. Power: 1 single AAA battery (not used when connected to the USB port). Dimensions: 103x70x20 mm. The package includes: the analyzer, on USB stick software, micro-USB cable, the AAA alkaline battery and instructions (in English).
Technical features
  • Automatically identifies the type of component (eg transistors, JFETs, IGBTs, voltage regulator, Zener diodes, etc.) and the pinout (connected in any way).
  • Many of the component data size.
  • With the included software, connecting the DCA Pro to the PC you can run a further detailed analysis of the component.
  • Probes with gold-plated contacts.
  • Upgradeable Online.
  • Power: 1 single AAA battery (not used when connected to the USB port).
  • graphic display, USB communication software for PC and library identification improved components.
  • The DCA Pro supports all the components that the popular Peak Atlas DCA55 supports, but it adds a lot more.
  • Supported components and stand-alone measurements include:

- Transistor silicon and germanium (BJT including Darlington and digital transistors). N.B. The unijunction transistor (UJTs) are not currently supported.
- Diodes and diode networks. Measurements falling to 5 mA.
- LED and bi-color LED (terminals 2 and 3 terminals). Measures the forward voltage drop of each LED at 5 mA.
- Zener diodes with measurement of the Zener voltage up to 9V to 5 mA.
- Voltage Regulators (with a lower output voltage of 8V, the drop-out voltage, quiescent current). Note that some of the regulators are not stable without a minimum and can not be tested by the DCA75 load.
- Triac Thyristors and requiring less than 10 mA of gate current and holding current.
- Operation Stand-alone or connected to the PC: in both cases, Peak Atlas DCA Pro automatically identifies the type of component, the pin and a series of parameters of the components as the gain of the transistors, leakage, of threshold voltages of MOSFETs and IGBTs , features and much more.
- Track Curve

  • When connected to your PC, you can view a range of functions and graphs:

- Output Features of Bipolar Transistor, IC vs VCE.
- Gain Characteristics of Bipolar Transistor, hFE vs VCE.
- Gain Characteristics of Bipolar Transistor, hFE vs IC.
- Output function MOSFET and IGBT, ID vs VDS.
- Transfer function of MOSFETs and IGBTs, ID vs. VGS.
- Output Function JFET, ID vs VDS.
- JFET transfer function, ID vs. VGS.
- Voltage regulator, VOUT vs VIN.
- Regulator, IQ vs VIN.
- Current and voltage curves for PN junction zener diodes.
- The graph of the runs using the test parameters in the range of +/- 12 V, +/- 12 mA. All graphics can be pasted into Excel © for further analysis.
- The software runs under Windows XP, Vista, Windows 7 and Windows 8.​

Documentation and useful links​


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Peak - Advanced Semiconductor Analyzer

  • Price: 159.00€

Tags: ATLAS, DCA, PRO, Advanced, Semiconductor, Analyzer, dca75

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