Based on the PIC16F723 microcontroller, this board allows you to manage matrix display. It has a mini-B USB connector for connection to the PC, two test and setting buttons, two connectors for connecting the displays (maximum 8 displays connected in series) and two terminals on which a voltage of 5V is available. Through the Sure-LEDV1.0 software, which can be downloaded free of charge, you can view, scroll through the ASCII characters on the display and select the scroll speed. Power supply: from 8 to 30 Vdc, dimensions (mm): 109.10 (length) x 81.10 (width) x 18 (height). The package includes the matrix display driver and 2 16-pin IDC cables. |
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Driver module for matrix display
- Brand: Futura Group Srl
- Product Code: 7719-DOTMATRIXLED
- Availability: In Stock
Price: 17.00€
Tags: driver module, PIC16F723, matrix display