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Discontinued → Go to New Lora Shield

Arduino shield for long-range communications using the LoRa technology and is based on a DRF1278F of Dorji module, which in turn mounts the chip of Semtech SX1278, which is the heart of the system. The SX1278 is a very sophisticated and versatile component, which makes extensive use of the SDR, so it is fully configurable. The SX1278 allows you to implement a wide range of applications, from the transmission of digital signals in OOK and FSK mode, the communication on the long-distance LoRa mode. The SX1278 is part of SX12xx family, and is distinguished from other members for the frequency range of the carrier, which can range from 123 to 525 MHz; others can be up to 1,020 MHz. The shield, in addition to containing the DRF1278F module, has voltage reducer 5 to 3.3V, some level of adapters (because SX1278 works to 3.3V) and a combination in logic OR for a possible interrupt handling that the SX1278 can produce on its I / O pins. In addition, some jumpers allow the selection and the enabling of the signals with the Arduino pin.

This project comes in kit. Some components have to be soldered to the included PCB.

Arduino Libreries


The management of the SX1278 component is rather complex because of the many registers and many features. Therefore we thought of writing a library for convenient use with Arduino. Have been defined, first of all, the basic functions to read and write in the registers leaning to classical SPI library for Arduino. Subsequently the functions for the main dell'SX1278 settings have been implemented. The library, available at this link, it is still an open yard for the implementation of the most sophisticated features.

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LoRa shield for Arduino - Mounted

Discontinued product

Tags: LoRa, shield, Arduino, FT1190M, DRF1278F

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