Board based on Arduino Mega, which allows you to manage the engines of a quadricottero, receive commands from a remote control for model aircraft and support the telemetry via smartphones. Besides all'Atmega 2560, programmed with open source firmware called MultiWii (allows you to control multicotteri, helicopters and airplanes), it has 8 outputs for engines, 8 inputs for standard RC receivers and compatible with PPM receivers, 4 serial ports for debug / Bluetooth module / OSD / GPS / telemetry, 3 servo outputs for the control of a gimbal system (pitch, roll, triggers), I²C bus to add sensors or devices, for GPS module connector, compatible with modules IMU GY-521, GY 86 and external connector for USB / serial converter FTDI, a supply stage 3.3V for additional devices and LEDs. The other critical element is the form IMU (Inertial Measurement Unit, which is the platform that detects acceleration, movements on three axes etc.) Available separately and can be inserted on the appropriate card connector. Both the card and the software support different flight phases: from simple model aircraft to multirotori. The preassembled board (SMD section only) does not include the IMU module, engines, propellers, etc. (see related products). This project comes in kit . Some components have to be soldered to the included PCB. You see our project in our blog on open electronics:
Terminology Flight
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Loading the BOOTLOADER and Test card
If the card's microcontroller does not have a bootloader you must charge; the purpose you can use a dedicated programmer or simply an Arduino board acting as programmer functions. In the latter case refer to Table 2 to find out the connection required between the electronic card and ours. Then open the Arduino IDE and load the sample called ArduinoISP.ino sketched on the Arduino used as a programmer, then accessing to the Tools menu> type of Arduino set as target board "Arduino Mega 2560 or Mega ADK"; done what you set as a programmer Arduino (Tools> Programmer> Arduino as ISP) then start programming with the command Tools> Write Bootloader. |
The firmware that runs inside the card is not an easy one: in addition to the stabilization of the flight is to manage alarms, telemetry, location and much more, so we preferred to use an already existing software is completely open source and developed in recent years with the contribution of the net enthusiasts, called MultiWii . It allows you to control multicotteri, helicopters and airplanes; the reference site is (the Italian version is The project was created using the gyroscope of the Nintendo Wii Motion Plus (the cheapest and easy to find at the time) and an Arduino mini pro card, but now supports a large number of sensors and adapters. The firmware is very light and can run on a small ATmega 328, but with all active functions (navigation and GPS), you must use an Atmega 2560. The software is managed in the repository MultiWii /. By downloading the software package you have the software to Arduino and the GUI, written in Processing, to be run on the PC to manage settings and telemetry. The Arduino software only uses system libraries and therefore its use is immediate placing of only Arduino IDE. To configure the board and use the telemetry and mission planning, is also available WinGUI software and an application for Android smartphones. |
Board quadcopter Open Source
- Brand: Futura Group Srl
- Product Code: 7100-FT1171
- Availability: In Stock
Price: 27.00€
Tags: Board, quadcopter, OpenSource, FT1171