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Based on MGC3130 Microchip chip and combined with Arduino Uno, Arduino Leonardo, Fishino or Raspberry Pi, this board allows you to create a system for gesture recognition.
It has three buttons (P1, P2 and P3) and a jumper, which are used to reproduce the functions implemented in the board.

For each gesture the MGC3130 generates a pulse on the respective output; you can choose and configure unlike the behavior of the outputs compared to the recognized gesture.

Dimensions (mm): 156x108.

Warning! The SMD components are soldered while the other components are to be soldered.

Libraries Arduino MGC3130

For Arduino Uno and Arduino Leonardo Rev.3 are available a library for the MGC3130 management.


The gesture recognized and made available by the library are:

• Gesture Touch South;
• Gesture Touch West;
• Gesture Touch North;
• Gesture Touch East;
• Gesture Touch Centre;
• Gesture Tap South;
• Gesture Tap West;
• Gesture Tap North;
• Gesture Tap East;
• Gesture Tap Centre;
• Gesture Double Tap South;
• Gesture Double Tap West;
• Gesture Double Tap North;
• Gesture Double Tap East;
• Gesture Double Tap Centre;
• Flick West to East;
• Flick East to West;
• Flick South to North;
• Flick North to South;
• Edge Flick West to East;
• Edge Flick East to West;
• Edge Flick South to North;
• Edge Flick North to South;
• Clock Wise;
• Counter Clock Wise.
MGC3130 and the Libraries for Raspberry Pi

For Raspberry Pi is available another library written in Python to handle the MGC3130:

class GestureBit(Structure):
_fields_ = [(“TouchSouth”, c_uint32, 1),
(“TouchWest”, c_uint32, 1),
(“TouchNorth”, c_uint32, 1),
(«TouchEast», c_uint32, 1),
(«TouchCentre», c_uint32, 1),
(“TapSouth”, c_uint32, 1),
(“TapWest”, c_uint32, 1),
(“TapNorth”, c_uint32, 1),
(“TapEast”, c_uint32, 1),
(“TapCentre”, c_uint32, 1),
(“DoubleTapSouth”, c_uint32, 1),
(“DoubleTapWest”, c_uint32, 1),
(“DoubleTapNorth”, c_uint32, 1),
(“DoubleTapEast”, c_uint32, 1),
(“DoubleTapCentre”, c_uint32, 1),
(“GestWestEast”, c_uint32, 1),
(“GestEastWest”, c_uint32, 1),
(“GestSouthNorth”, c_uint32, 1),
(“GestNorthSouth”, c_uint32, 1),
(“EdgeGestWestEast”, c_uint32, 1),
(“EdgeGestEastWest”, c_uint32, 1),
(“EdgeGestSouthNorth”, c_uint32, 1),
(“EdgeGestNorthSouth”, c_uint32, 1),
(“GestClockWise”, c_uint32, 1),
(“GestCounterClockWise”, c_uint32, 1),
(“Free”, c_uint32, 7)]
class GestureByte(Structure):
_fields_ = [(“Byte0”, c_uint8),
(“Byte1”, c_uint8),
(“Byte2”, c_uint8),
(“Byte3”, c_uint8)]
class Gesture(Union):
_fields_ = [(“Gesture32Bit”, GestureBit),
(“GestureByte”, GestureByte),
(“GestureLong”, c_uint32),
(“GestArray”, c_ubyte * 4)]

Documentation and useful links


More info on our blog...

Presenting Microchip GestIC for implementing Gesture recognition

Gestic Meets Arduino: gesture recognition with Arduino

GestIC Meets Raspberry Pi: gesture recognition with Raspberry Pi


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Gesture Board For Raspberry Pi and Arduino

  • Price: 44.00€

Tags: Gesture, Raspberry, Pi, Arduino, kit, FT1214M

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