With LCD display, this device is able to analyze a large number of electronic components such as bipolar transistors, MOSFET, SCR, triac, diodes, diode networks, the junction of FETs (only identified as the pin gate), LED, LED two-color and RGB. automatically identifies the type of component and the pinout, show the special information of the component as protection diodes and shunt resistors, information of parameters such as the gain and the leakage current in the transistor, the gate threshold voltages of the MOSFETs, the falls of voltage, etc. It has manual and automatic switch-off (turns off automatically when the device is idle for more than 30 seconds). Battery powered: 12 V (included). Dimensions: 103x70x20 mm. The package includes: the component analyzer, the three test leads and instructions. | ||||
Short-circuit test current (Isc): min. -5.5 MA ~ max. 5.5 mA |
Peak - Components analyzer
- Brand: Futura Group Srl
- Product Code: 8220-DCA55
- Availability: In Stock
Price: 73.00€
Tags: ANALYZER, COMPONENTS, DCA55, MOSFET, SCR, triac, diodes, diode networks