Here we present a small, low cost single channel receiver, encoding MM53200 and HT-12, with code self-learning function. Decoding is achieved by means of a PIC microcontroller by Microchip, that deals even to the memorization of 5 codes and governs the relay output as well.
This project comes in kit. Some components have to be soldered to the included PCB.
- Number of outputs: 1
- Output: Monostable, Bistable
- Power Source: 12Vdc
- Absorption: 40 mA max.
- Memory: 10 remote controls
- Encoding: MM53200/HT12
Micro 1 Channel Receiver 433 MHz
- Brand: Futura Group Srl
- Product Code: 7100-FT1111K
- Availability: In Stock
Price: 11.50€
Tags: micro 1 channel receiver 433 mhz, 7100-ft1111k, futura group srl, radio, remote control